Respiratory infections in bearded dragons are caused by an infection in the lungs and it is quite a common illness with beardies. They can develop a RI for many reasons like incorrect temperatures, stress, a weakened immune system, or a virus. However, the most common cause is usually humidity that is too high or temperatures that are too low.
Bearded Dragon Respiratory Infection Symptoms
- Mucus around the mouth and nostrils.
- Visible breathing difficulties.
- Wheezing or popping noise when breathing.
- Sneezing or snorting.
- Puffing up their throat constantly.
- Loss of appetite when combined with other symptoms.
- Lack of energy when combined with other symptoms.
- Black beard for more than 6 hours combined with other symptoms.
- Gaping constantly (mouth gaping while basking or after exercise is normal to regulate their temperature.)
- An excessive amount of mucus in the mouth.
- Pale color along with other symptoms. (Pale color can be associated with multiple diseases and illnesses.)
- Pale color inside the mouth along with the tongue. (Can be associated with other illnesses and diseases.)
- Droopiness along with sunken pads, combined with other symptoms.
Bearded Dragon Respiratory Infection Treatment
A respiratory infection can turn deadly fast if not treated correctly. Antibiotics are needed to cure it successfully. Beardies cannot cough, so it is impossible to loosen congestion without medication.
Until you can get to your vet, give your bearded dragon a warm soak (NOT HOT) every few hours. It will loosen the congestion and makes it easier to breathe.
Raise the cage temperature by about 3 – 5 degrees to help dry up the moisture in their lungs. (Not too Hot). This will encourage the bearded dragon to bask with his/her mouth open and the heat will also help to dry out moisture.
Slightly elevate your dragon on a cushion or folded blanket/towel. His/her head should face downwards. This will help mucus that is in the mouth to drain out.