bearded dragon male vs female

There are a few differences between bearded dragon males and females, and then there are a lot of things that are the same no matter the sex. These differences are important because they can influence the way we look after our dragons.

How to Tell if Your Bearded Dragon is Male or Female?

When they are babies, it can be quite impossible to tell the sex, since they are not mature and so small. Adults on the other hand are a different story. To determine the sex, lift your dragon so you can see under his/her tail and bud. Gently pull the tail towards the dragon’s back, but not too far and carefully, so as to not hurt the dragon. Now you should see on the tail below the bud, either one or two bumps. One bump means female and two means male. If you do not see any bumps, you can use a torch in a dark room. Do exactly the same, but shine the torch on the back of the dragon’s tail. The tail will be a red color and the bumps will show a darker red color.

Bearded Dragon Care

Bearded dragon care guide

A few other signs of Male and Female are…

  • The pores on their back legs, a male’s pores are usually bigger than those of a female.
  • A female’s tail is usually thinner and more slender than that of a male.
  • Their behavior; A male will be territorial and more aggressive than a female, who will be more submissive and docile.

Keep in mind that using the tail is the most accurate way to determine sex. The other ways are not always accurate, since all dragons differ and some have traits that do not fit their sex.

A few other signs of Male and Female are... • The pores on their back legs, a male’s pores are usually bigger than those of a female. • A female’s tail is usually thinner and more slender than that of a male. • Their behavior; a male will be territorial and more aggressive than a female, which will be more submissive and docile. Keep in mind that using the tail is the most accurate way to determine sex. The other ways are not always accurate, since all dragons differ and some have traits that do not fit their sex.

Behavioral Differences Between Male and Female Bearded Dragons

  • Males are more territorial than females.
  • Males are more aggressive than females.
  • Females are more docile than males.
  • Males will show their dominance whereas females will just accept their rank and live with it.
  • Males tend to fight when another dragon shows up in their territory whereas females size each other up. The bigger female is dominant and the smaller one will submit.

Physical Differences Between Male and Female Bearded Dragons

  • Males tend to be larger in size than females.
  • The heads of females tend to be smaller than that of males.
  • Males tend to have larger, puffier beards than females.
  • The tails of females are thin and slender; whereas the tails of males are thick and plump.
  • Males tend to have more muscle than females.

Care bearded dragon

Breeding Season

Bearded dragons do not have a specific breeding season in captivity and mate whenever they have access to the opposite gender, however, they kind of lose interest during winter as most dragons go into brumation or they slow down and become very lazy to preserve energy for the cold days ahead. During mating, the males tend to be extra aggressive and dominant, plus females will get a little aggressive.

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